Thanks to my friend Joan, a history junkie who directed me to the website for the Historic Savannah Foundation, I have discovered Savannah's renaissance was originated by seven dedicated women who banded together in the mid-1950's, raised hell, put a chunk under it and awakened a city to its remarkable history and one-of-a-kind buildings.
I'll simply quote from the Foundation's website: "The demolition of the 1870 City Market [to make way for a parking garage] and attempted demolition of the 1821 Federal Style Davenport House, galvanized seven concerned women to organize Historic Savannah Foundation. No local zoning laws existed to protect historic structures, thus the Foundation developed a comprehensive strategy to promote preservation through private sector involvement. The Davenport House became the organization's first headquarters and now houses a house museum and gift shop. We salute those seven courageous women: Katherine Judkins Clark, Elinor Adler Dillard, Anna Colquitt Hunter, Lucy Barrow McIntire, Dorothy Ripley Roebling, Nola McEvoy Roos, Jane Adair Wright."
Extraordinary women. Exceptional women. Fifty years later, and their vision is still being realized. You want it done and done right? Throw some women with a singular purpose together, then get out of their way!