San Rafael Valley, AZ ~~ Photo by Bill Haas

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hint: found in Hawaii


Anonymous said...

Tree #7 looks like it could be a Banyon tree. But, we have those in Florida too, so I'm really not sure.

Barb A said...


Anonymous said...

Would that be Ficus macrophylla?


Lorna... said...

Anyone who guessed "Banyan" or
"Ficus Macrophylla" are all awarded gold stars! You would have been correct if you guessed Moreton Bay Fig too. Seems as if they are all related. Ficus Macrophylla is also known as a Moreton Bay Fig, a large evergreen banyan tree of the Moraceae family (according to Wikipedia). Looks like I'm going to have to get up earlier to fool you guys!!

Darice Dixon said...

Cool tree and I'm glad to know 'who' it is.

But really what I'd like is your kick'n hairdo. $How much to throw in the curlers?$
